Rahvusvahelise Eduard Tubina Ühingu aastaraamat 3 (2003) / Yearbook of the International Eduard Tubin Society 3 (2003)


Koostanud Mart Humal ja Margus Pärtlas / Compiled by Mart Humal and Margus Pärtlas
Rahvusvaheline Eduard Tubina Ühing / International Eduard Tubin Society
Tallinn 2003. 142 lk / 142 pp
ISSN 1406-7077

Tootekood: ISSN 1406-7077 Kategooria:


Sisukord / Contents:

Eino Tubin. Tubin in Sweden
Hans-Gunter Lock. Die Identifizierung der Volksweisen in Werken Eduard Tubins
Gunnar Larsson. Eduard Tubin and Aurora Borealis
Avo Sõmer. Lyricism and sentence formation in the earlier symphonies of Eduard Tubin
Timothy L. Jackson. The problem of the second group in the first movement of Tubin’s Fifth Symphony: A Schenkerian view
Margus Pärtlas. Tubin’s Tenth Symphony: The “call” motive and its relation to the overall structure
Mart Humal. The two versions of Yearning
Vardo Rumessen. Composers without homeland: Eduard Tubin and Sergei Rachmaninov
Hans Åstrand. Eduard Tubin’s early years in Sweden: Some thoughts on the reception and perception of his music
Vardo Rumessen. About Eduard Tubin Society
Kroonika / Chronicle. Eduard Tubina helitööde ettekandeid. Ilmunud raamatud, heliplaadid ja noodid. Raadio- ja telesaated, artiklid ja konverentsiettekanded 2002.a.

Koostanud Mart Humal ja Margus Pärtlas / Compiled by Mart Humal and Margus Pärtlas
Rahvusvaheline Eduard Tubina Ühing / International Eduard Tubin Society
Tallinn 2003. 142 lk / 142 pp
ISSN 1406-7077

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