On 18 February 2017 XXIX and XXX volumes of Tubin’s Collected Works (orchestral and piano scores of opera “Barbara von Tisenhusen”) were presented in the Chamber Hall of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. The presentation was introduced by a recital in which Sten Lassmann played piano works by Eller and Tubin.


Sten Lassmann playing piano works by Eller and Tubin


Kerri Kotta presenting the XXIX and XXX volumes


Mart Humal playing Chopin preludes


Mart Humal speaking about the editing of the XXIX and XXX volumes

Heino Eller – Thirteen piano pieces on Estonian motifs (1940-41), no. 1, 2, 3 ja 10
                   – Estonian dance (1934)
                   – Ballade in c sharp minor (1955)
Eduard Tubin – Ballade in the Form of Chaconne on a Theme by Mart Saar in C sharp minor (1945)
Sten Lassmann (piano)
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Presentation of the XXIX and XXX volumes.
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Volumes XXIX and XXX:

Eduard Tubin. Barbara von Tisenhusen [Noot] : ooper kolmes vaatuses ja üheksas pildis = opera in three acts and nine scenes ; toimetanud = edited by Mart Humal ja Reet Marttila ; [üldtoimetaja Kerri Kotta ; kujundus: Tiina Sildre ; noodigraafika: Valdo Preema]. Tallinn : Rahvusvaheline Eduard Tubina Ühing ; Stockholm : Gehrmans Musikförlag, 2016 ([Tallinn] : Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda). Partituur = Score  (370 lk.) : portr., faks ; 36 cm.  ISMN 9790540023089 . GE12924 Gehrmans Musikförlag. Kogutud teosed. VII seeria ; 29. kd. = Complete works. Series VII ; vol. 29.

Eduard Tubin. Barbara von Tisenhusen [Noot] : ooper kolmes vaatuses ja üheksas pildis = opera in three acts and nine scenes ; toimetanud = edited by Mart Humal ja Reet Marttila ; [üldtoimetaja Kerri Kotta ; kujundus: Tiina Sildre ; noodigraafika: Valdo Preema]. Tallinn : Rahvusvaheline Eduard Tubina Ühing ; Stockholm : Gehrmans Musikförlag, 2016 ([Tallinn] : Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda). Klaviir = Piano score  (206 lk.) : portr., faks. ; 33 cm. ISMN 9790540023096. GE12925 Gehrmans Musikförlag. Kogutud teosed. VII seeria ; 30. kd. = Complete works. Series VII ; vol. 30.